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Knowing How Often to Replace your Toothbrush

Do you know how many bacteria live on your toothbrush? Researchers have found that a single toothbrush can be loaded with as many as ten million germs and bacteria. In fact, recent studies even found that your toothbrush could be a breeding ground for tiny microorganisms. Although, this bacteria is not a big threat to your pearly whites. Those toothbrush dwelling microorganisms found that they did not make people sick, toothpaste has an anti-germ component built into it, and the microbes need moisture to survive. So as long as your toothbrush is given time to dry after you use it, it should be safe.

Toothbrush Tips to Follow

To take care of your teeth and your toothbrush, it is important to use your toothbrush the way you are supposed to, rinse it in tap water, and then let it air dry. This starts with storing your toothbrush in an upright position. Most people do not need to worry about storing it away from other toothbrushes, germs are airborne, but they do not hopscotch from one brush to another. However, if someone in the household has an immune deficiency, you cannot be too careful. If you are really fastidious about dental care, you can soak your toothbrush in alcohol to kill the germs. Mouthwash is also an antiseptic, so it works as a toothbrush soak, as does a solution of half water and half hydrogen peroxide. Another option is to dip it in boiling water for about five to ten seconds. Interestingly enough, toothbrush sanitizers have not shown to have much effect. Also, you should never put your toothbrush in the dishwasher or microwave, you will just end up damaging it.

When is it Time for a New Toothbrush

We recommend getting a new toothbrush, or brush head if you use an electric toothbrush, about once every three months, more because of the wear on the bristles than germs. And that depends on the brusher and not the brush, Price emphasizes. If you have a heavy hand, the bristles might wear out sooner. Remember that the key determinant is not the calendar but the shape the bristles are in. You need to replace your toothbrush when the bristles spew in different directions. Also make sure to check your children’s toothbrushes regularly because they probably will need to be replaced more frequently.

Other Tips to Remember for your Toothbrush

Some toothbrushes have bristles that change colors to indicate they have worn out, which is a glaring reminder it is time to buy a new brush. You can also develop the habit of changing your toothbrush with every check-up. This is especially beneficial if you see your dentist once every six months. Change the toothbrush again midway before the next appointment. Or try timing the change to the first day of every season. If you ever experience any pain or issues with your teeth or mouth, make sure to come in as soon as you can. This can help prevent things like cavities and root canals in the future. It will also help you to have a great and wonderful smile.

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